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Justus Doolittle, 1824-1880
Missionnaire protestant américain

with some accounts of their religious, governmental, educational and business customs and opinions, with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhchau (1876)


Voir la sous-collection CHINE ANCIENNE réalisée par Pierre Palpant, bénévole, Paris.

Table of Contents (vol. II)
Extrait 1: Six Methods of Fortune-telling;
Extrait 2: Selection of Fortunate Days.

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du texte de Justus DOOLITTLE (1824-1880). Social life of the Chinese, with some accounts of their religious, governmental, educational and business customs and opinions, with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhchau. Volume II, 490 pages, 150 illustrations. Première édition : Harper & Brothers, New York, 1865. Réimpression de la réédition de 1876 par Kessinger Publishing’s rare reprints. Une édition réalisée par Pierre Palpant, bénévole, Paris.

The reader is invited to the perusal of an original work on the inner life of the most ancient and populous, but least understood and appreciated of nations. In it an attempt is made to describe many of their singular customs and opinions relating to almost all subjects of interest, and also to give their own explanation of the origin or the rationale of some of them.

Justus DOOLITTLE, Preface

Social Life of the Chinese
Daily Life in China

Justus Doolittle

This is the most complete and detailed account of the traditional domestic and daily life of the Chinese in the mid-nineteenth century. Writing in the 1860s, Doolittle concentrates on social and religious customs, revealing the people through their practices and material culture which he observed for over fourteen years. Colorful, exotic and compelling, this is a more telling portrait than any history or encyclopedia, an innovative tour de force of popular culture, and a classic ahead of its time. Agricultural and household matters, betrothal and marriage, the treatment of disease, popular gods and goddesses, punishments and celebrations, annual customs and festivals, superstitions, business customs, charitable practices, vegetarians, charms and omens, fortune-telling, opium and opium smoking are among the subjects dealt with, accompanied by charming engravings. Doolittle lived midway between Shanghai and Canton, the origin of the overseas Chinese diaspora. The world he describes here may have vanished in mainland China but it endures in Chinatowns and Chinese homes around the world.

About the Author

Justus Doolittle was acknowledged as the leading expert in Chinese daily life of his time.

Source: Columbia University Press.

Liens: ce classique du dix-neuvième siècle sur la société chinoise n’a pas, à ma connaissance, suscité d’évocation sur internet autre que commerciale.

Mais on trouvera à l’adresse suivante :, un site très intéressant sur Fuhchau/Fuchow/Fu-chou/Fou-tcheou/Fuzhou, la ville de résidence de J. Doolittle ; site concernant une bonne partie du 19e siècle, avec cartes, photos, dessins, textes de résidents occidentaux de l’époque. Des liens vers quelques photos/dessins de ce site ont été placées dans l’ouvrage.

Le Fuzhou contemporain est dans Wikipédia.

Revenir à l'auteur: Laurence Binyon (1869-1943) Dernière mise à jour de cette page le vendredi 12 octobre 2007 16:41
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur au Cegep de Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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