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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

A Book translated from the French version Quelles villes pour le 21e siècle ?

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du livre de Françoise Lieberherr-Gardiol and Germán Solinís [ed], CITIES INTO THE FUTURE. A Book translated from the French version Quelles villes pour le 21e siècle ? published with the support of l’Université de Genève, la Faculté des Lettres, La Maison de l’histoire and La Fondation Hélène et Victor Barbour by Les Éditions Infolio, Suisse, 2012, 448 pp. [Autorisation formelle accordée conjointement par Françoise Lieberherr-Gardiol et German Solinis, d'une part, et par la maison d'édition, infolio Éditeur, d'autre part, le 11 février 2014 de diffuser la version anglaise de ce livre en accès ouvert et gratuit à tous dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales.]


Giovanni Allegretti, architect and urban planner, senior researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra University, (Portugal), director of “Democrazia nel secolo XXI” at Coimbra University, international consultant.

Email: [email protected]

Adrian Atkinson, architect and urban planner, consultant to international and bilateral development organisations, member of DPU Associates (Development Planning Unit University London, UK), former professor at Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung, Technische Universität Berlin.

Email: [email protected]

Daniel Biau, civil engineer and urban planner, international consultant, former deputy director at UN-Habitat in Nairobi (Kenya), former director of Technical Cooperation at UN-Habitat in Nairobi.

Email: [email protected]

Edesio Fernandes, lawyer and urban planner, international consultant, member of DPU Associates (Development Planning Unit University London, UK) and visiting Fellow at Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (Cambridge MA, USA).

Email: [email protected]

Françoise Lieberherr-Gardiol, anthropologist and sociologist, international consultant, former researcher and lecturer at ETHZ and EPFL (Swiss Federal Technical Institutes) Zurich and Lausanne, former director of urban development at Swiss Development Cooperation  (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Berne.

Email: [email protected]

Gustave Massiah, economist and engineer, international consultant, former professor at the National School of Architecture in Paris, member of France-Attac advisory board and of World Social Forum international council.

Email: [email protected]

Isabelle Milbert, political scientist  and sociologist, professor at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Associate researcher at the South-Asia Research Centre (Paris, CNRS), co-convenor of the working group on urban governance at EADI (European Association of Development Institutes).

Email: [email protected]

Thierry Paquot, philosopher, professor at the Institut d’Urbanisme in Paris, former editor of the Revue Urbanisme in Paris, member of DATAR advisory board (Paris), member of the editorial board at Journals Esprit, Hermès, Diversité (Ville École Intégration).

Email: [email protected]

Germán Solinís, architect, urban planner and sociologist, Programme specialist at UNESCO, editorial adviser to the International Social Science Journal (UNESCO), former lecturer at Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (SciencesPo).

Email: [email protected] ou [email protected].

Franz Vanderschueren, sociologist, director of the urban security programme at the Alberto Hurtado Jesuit University, Santiago de Chile (Faculty of Law), adviser for many Latin America countries, former coordinator of Safer Cities Programme at UN-Habitat, Nairobi (Kenya).

Email: [email protected]

Retour au texte de l'auteur: Jean-Marc Fontan, sociologue, UQAM Dernière mise à jour de cette page le lundi 2 juin 2014 11:59
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur associé, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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