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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »
Une édition électronique réalisée à partir de l'article de Maurice Cusson, [professeur et chercheur, Université de Montréal], “La sécurité privée: le phénomène, la controverse, l'avenir”. Un article publié dans la revue Criminologie, vol. 31, no 2, 1998, pp. 31-46. Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal. Résumé This article deals with four themes on private security. First, private security is defined as a protection supplied to organizations targeting the specific needs of any given organization. Second, the expansion of private security is seen as resulting from the convergence between a real demand for security and a superior supply than the one offered by the police. Third, the article deals with questions regarding private security involving private live. Finally, it is argued that the future of private security lies in two trends : (1) technologicial integration and (2) sophisticated planning and problem solving.