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Collection « Les sciences sociales contemporaines »

CANADA. A COUNTRY DIVIDED. The Times of London and Canada, 1908-1922.
Le Times de Londres et l'image du Canada (1908-1922). (2001)
Table of content

Une édition électronique réalisée à partir du livre de Camil Girard, CANADA. A COUNTRY DIVIDED. The Times of London and Canada, 1908-1922. Le Times de Londres et l'image du Canada (1908-1922). Translated from French by Wendy L. Williams. Chicoutimi: Groupe de recherche et d’intervention régionales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2001, 242 pp. [Autorisation accordée le 7 septembre 2012 par l'auteur de diffuser ce livre dans Les Classiques des sciences sociales.]


Table of content

List of tables

List of illustrations

Back cover




a) Bases for analysis
b) Elements of research
c) Sources
d) The Importance accorded to Canada by The Times

Chapter I.
Canada at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

1.1. The economy

1.2. Population

1.3. Politics

Chapter 2.
The Times and Canada, 1908-1914: preparation for war

2.1. The Times strengthens its ties with Canada

2.2. Politics

2.2.1. Foreign Policy
2.2.2. Domestic Policy

2.3. The economy

2.3.1. Receprocity
2.3.2. American Imperialism
2.3.3. The Railways
2.3.4. Reasons for protecting industry: the forestry sector and the wool industry
2.3.5. Canadian Banks
2.3.6. The Beginning of the Economic Crisis

2.4. Society

2.4.1. Immigration
2.4.2. The French-Canadians
2.4.3. Labour

Chapter 3.
The War of 1914-1918:  Unity and Adversity

3.1. The Function and Limits of the Press in Time of War

3.2. Foreign Policy: Canada's Status in the Empire (1914-1918)

3.3. Domestic Affairs

3.3.1. A Fragile Consensus in Canada (1914-1918)
3.3.2. The Crisis (1917)
3.3.3. The Impossible Rupture (1918)

Chapter 4.
The Return to Peace (1919-1922)

4.1. The Times and Canada (1919-1922)

4.2. Politics

4.2.1. External politics: Canada acquires autonomy
4.2.2. Domestics Politics: National Unity and the end of the Conservatives

4.3. The economy

4.3.1. A Balance Sheet and Perspectives for the Future
4.3.2. The Railways
4.3.3. The Pulp and Paper Industry

4.4. Society

4.4.1. The Revolt of the Working Class
4.4.2. Immigration
4.4.3. Reconciliation of French and English Canadians

General conclusion

a) A general world-view

b) The Times, an imperialist and conservative newspaper

c) Sir John Wllison

d) The British Empire and Canada: an Analysis based on The Times, 1908-1922

d-1) External affairs: Acquisition of independent status on the interna-tional scene
d-2) Internal politics: One state or two nations?
d-3) The Economy: A choice for development
d-4) Society: Social groups with unequal powers



Appendix I. Times Correspondants in Canada
Appendix II. Prices and Circulation of the Times (1785 to 1922)


Retour au texte de l'auteur: Jean-Marc Fontan, sociologue, UQAM Dernière mise à jour de cette page le mercredi 14 novembre 2012 19:26
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue
professeur de sociologie retraité du Cégep de Chicoutimi.

Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
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